
The Reason


This website provides union members with resources to evaluate the impact of the Ford government’s decisions on working people and our communities. 

Since 2018, these decisions have touched every aspect of our lives. Were they the right ones – or the wrong ones? Whose interest is served by the outcomes?

 The analysis is provided by organizations with proven expertise on specific issues, and by the experience of front-line workers in every sector of the economy.

The Impact


Ford Failed provides an examination and resources into how Doug Ford and his government have impacted the people of Ontario across several key areas.


The slow-moving COVID-19 response, the resistance to paid sick days, and the disaster found in Ontario’s long-term care homes.

Workers’ Rights

Since taking office in 2018, the Ford government has constantly moved to undermine workers’ rights.


Transit in the province of Ontario has been severely undermined during Doug Ford’s tenure, impacting the lives of everyday people.


The Ford government has disregarded good ideas and common sense when it comes to climate change for the sake of big business.